Sitting in the Time of Covid-19 #5

A Chair Pear Journal . . . sort of

Holly Thompson
3 min readMay 7, 2020
By Rakhimov Edgar from Shutterstock

I’m a hybrid author, which means I have been published through traditional publishing companies and I have self-published, also known as indie publishing.

I believe indie publishing needs the same rigor applied to it as trad published books. Good editing, good proofreading, good formatting, good covers, good blurbs, and a damn fine story.

I’ll admit, despite the rigor I did on my indie books pre-publication, I and my readers discovered a few errors after publication. Groan. And my covers have not always hit the right note with audiences, or the blurbs been as clever as those written at publishing houses. But in defense, I could point out trad published books that could use a bit more help with proofreading, and one time a science fiction author contacted me when he received a copy of his book from the same publisher as I had that actually had my book with his cover attached to it! I tried to get him to give it or sell it to me, but he found it too funny to part with. I had to admit, I would have felt the same way if the situation was reversed. I wonder how often that has happened.

No matter. What I really want to write about today was discovering an indie published series of books that when I first saw them had me squirming. Bad editing, bad…



Holly Thompson

Writer, explorer, researcher, all because of that darned curiosity bump. You can reach me at