Sitting in the Time of Covid-19 #4

Holly Thompson
3 min readApr 21, 2020

A Chair Pear Journal . . . of sorts

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Thirty-one years ago, my first novel was published by Warner Books.

Over the next ten years, I had six more novels published across three publishing houses. Then life happened, and I lost my writing time, and with that, my will.

In 2012, at the urging of fellow authors, I started the process of getting my book rights back. It took two years to get all seven books back in my control. I wanted to rerelease these books to a new audience of readers. Since the books were historical novels, I didn’t have to worry about the setting or slang being out of date. What I did need to be concerned about was the reading style of the 21st-century readers.

To get to this new book audience, I had to go ebook and that was a process.

The first task, get the books scanned into a document that could be edited.

Back when I was working with the publishing houses, we worked with hardcopy manuscripts with edits done in different colors of pencils depending on the type of editor. I didn’t have electronic copies of the finished book. I had my paperbacks that could be scanned.

I hope the scanning processes have improved in the last eight years since I went through that experience. The OCR scanners were not 100% accurate. At…



Holly Thompson

Writer, explorer, researcher, all because of that darned curiosity bump. You can reach me at